The Original Great Southern Brevet

Monday, 21 March 2011

Registration of interest

In case some visitors haven't kept up with the comments, information about expressing registration of interest has been added. Cheers,

Registration of interest in the The Great Southern Brevet can be made by email to greatsouthernbrevet at gmail dot com. For now just a few details such as name, brief contact info, date of birth, whether you will need to hire a SPOT Tracker and brief summary of cycling experience will suffice. All information be will treated as confidential and not shared (your name only may be listed in the list of participants). Later in the year we will need further details (emergency contact, etc.) and will be in touch.

A simple form is available through the link on the right. You fill out the form before clicking on the "Email my Registration of Interest" button and it will generate an email on your email program. Then just hit the send button on your email. Blogspot doesn't seem to support sendmail so this is a basic solution.

An email list has also been setup so as the adventure approaches and people have questions about gear choice, etc they can share and discuss them with fellow participants.


  1. Any chance the date for the race could be pushed closer to the 2nd week of January as unfortuately I'll be out on the country on the 17th January.

  2. Hi Sam,

    What's the email address for those of us using browser based email?

    "Otherwise just send us an email with what you would have typed below (sorry about that)"


  3. Sorry email address is formatted to try and prevent spam engines from mining it, see above: "email to greatsouthernbrevet at gmail dot com"
